For our Safeguarding Page please click on the link above. Our Safeguarding Representative Julia Stevenson can be contacted on 07702 19 3883


Each church is obliged to maintain its own Church Electoral Roll of church members. Every sixth year,2026 is such a year and we have to start from scratch, so every single person must submit a new application form to be on the new Roll. If you haven't received such a form electronically, please ask Melinda Stone, Herstmonceux 833976, or Penny Vasey, Wartling 833603, to send you one or collect one from the back of the church. Forms need returning to Melinda or Penny by the end of March.


The Churchwardens &PCC are delighted to announce that The Revd Deborah Joan Scott Bromley will be appointed as the Incumbent of the benefice of Herstmonceux and Wartling on Friday 11th April 2025, 7.30pm at All Saints, Church Road, Herstmonceux, to which all are invited.  This service will be followed by refreshments.


Until then for all enquiries regarding baptism, marriage, funerals, or other Pastoral Services, please phone 01323 833124 and leave a message, or email 

For Baptisms, there is a detailed leaflet in each Church.

Welcome to the website of the United Benefice of St. Mary Magdalene Wartling and of All Saints Herstmonceux

Our area is a beautiful place to live and work.    From our historical villages to the beauty of the Downs and our local beaches, we have so much to be thankful for.   We believe that everything good points to the Creator, and as Christians, know that God has introduced Himself to us in the person of Jesus Christ. 

We help people explore what it means to be a Christian today, here we can experience God’s love and inspire one another to make a real difference to society.   

People of all ages and stages are part of our church, and we are grateful to be contributing to the rural cultural, social, commercial and spiritual life of our area and region.

For our East Sussex Rural Minister Gary Cregeen's Winter Edition of Cultivate, please click >HERE<

Environmental and Fairtrade Awards are gained by St. Mary Magdalene Church. See the detail on the 'Wartling Caring for God's Creation' page >HERE<

As Churches we also support the work of, the Beachy Head Chaplaincy<

Warming Up the Homeless ><

The Royal Agricultural Benefit Institution >RABI<

Send a Cow / The Ripple Effect >Ripple Effect | Home<

St Mary Magdalene Church Wartling

Wartling Rd, Horsewalk,



BN27 1RY

All Saints Church Herstmonceux

Church Rd
BN27 1QJ

The Woodcarving of a Heron that is the Lectern at St. Mary Magdalen Church Wartling.   There are families of these magnificent birds on the Marshes at below the hill that the church stands on.

The above image is of the Dacre Chapel, the side chapel in Herstmonceux Church erected to the memory of Thomas, 8th Lord Dacre (1470-1533) and his son, Sir Thomas Fiennes, who predeceased his father in 1528.
Website built & maintained by Rev Peter Doodes under Copyright 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023- 2024-2025

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On the left is the Brass in Herstmonceux Church that is under the carpet facing the altar, see the top image. This is of Sir William Fiennes, dating 1402 it shows a knight in armour with feet resting on a lion. Inscription reads "William Feinnes, Knight, who died 18th day of January in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1402 lies here".